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Marshall Fire and Middlefork Fire Compliance Relief

We hope that this message finds you, your residents, and your staff safe.

CHFA is monitoring the devastating fires currently affecting Boulder County, and asks that you please notify CHFA @ 1.800.877.2432 at your earliest convenience if your property has been affected directly.

If your property is unaffected, and you currently have any vacant units, CHFA asks that you consider using the flexibilities provided under the Opens new browser window IRS Revenue Procedure 2014-49, linked here for full details. In summary, the procedure allows you to provide emergency housing to displaced individuals and families, regardless of their income, for up to 12 months. CHFA urges you to review the procedure and, if interested, to submit a written request to Chris Linton at Prompt written approval from CHFA for this permitted use will be provided.

We reiterate our hope that you remain safe and healthy and we thank you for your commitment to assisting Coloradans in need.

Brian Miller
Director, Asset Management

Colorado's Disaster Housing Resource is a vital component of Colorado disaster preparedness and the housing resource for the state of Colorado Disaster Housing Task Force. The service provides up-to-date listings of housing and resources. This information is maintained on a daily basis to ensure optimal housing preparedness for our state. is powered by, leading national provider of housing locators with over a decade of experience handling disaster housing intervention across the United States.

Disaster Response

  • representatives contact and train agencies tasked with housing clients quickly after a crisis and prepare news releases to alert the community to this central housing resource.
  • Customized announcements are posted to the homepage throughout the disaster process.
  • During a disaster, intensive landlord outreach is constantly conducted to add listings and ensure that existing listings are available in and around impacted areas.
  • The service incorporates toll-free call center support in English and Spanish. Trained, experienced call center staff conduct compassionate intake and referral for disaster victims and deliver personalized search results for shelter and relief options.
  • Staff also assist property providers with updating and adding available properties to generate maximum number of housing options.
  • If needed, a listing of manufactured housing communities and available trailer pads can be produced to help quickly stand up disaster trailers as needed.
Toll-Free: 1.877.428.8844 - Toll-Free Fax: 1.866.265.7811 - TDD/TTY: 7-1-1 [ Opens new browser window Relay Service ]
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